So I'm back from my vacation to the states and have just under two weeks before reporting to work!!
(the nail biting begins) Sadly I still have no definative answer yet as to what I will be teaching this next school year.
(even more nail biting) For the last three years I have been in first grade. With Kinder numbers on the rise and the new introduction of smaller class sizes, I was to assigned to Kindergarten this year. Unfortunately new data shows they may not have as many as they thought and I may be back in first. At this point I wouldn't care so much but I would like to know so I can begin planning!
(nails are officially gone:( )
The government sends me back every two years and this summer I got to go shopping at teacher stores!
(Of course seeing family topped that but shopping was a close second!!) My poor mother, bless her heart, had to wait and help entertain the baby as I took my time afraid to miss something:) I spent a pretty penny thinking I was going to Kindergarten. Yes many can be adapted to use in first grade but I just wish I had known then that plans would change so I could have been more selective in my shopping. It was great fun though!! I'm so excited to get to use many of the things I bought though I am still waiting for their arrival in the mail. It's like Christmas early!!
Hopefully they will make a decision this week and as I had to tear down my first grade room and all my things were moved to a new room - I am hoping the Lord (and Admin) see fit to leave me there. We have more days of training and meetings our first week back that take away from the time I will have to set up my room. It won't matter if I am in Kinder as the kids begin later but I am in first - I'll be in a panic! Prayers please for a speedy positive decision!