
Friday, August 12, 2011

What a blessing a mess can be:)

Yesterday I was able to get the key to my room!!  Yeah!! When I walked in I was first struck by the huge mess and secondly how blessed I was by the amount of materials and furniture provided!!  This is a new Kindergarten class being added and therefor they purchased everything one would need for teaching Kindergarten.  This has never happened to me before - usually when going to a new classroom, I find leftovers and I add my own things which of course over the years has accumulated to much.  So much in fact that when faced with my new classroom, I realize I will need to pair down and take many of my own things back home.  Some things I will give away while others I will hold onto as the future is still so unpredictable.  I still haven't been told that I will for sure teach Kindergarten.  The numbers aren't looking good for the need of 7 classes so either myself or the new teacher may be moved.  I'm hopeful I get to stay and enjoy the feeling of Christmas morning X many years:)

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